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De leukste website waar je originele meubels en woonaccessoires kan kopen is Het concept van de website is fantastisch. Zo kun je als bekende of onbekende designer je creaties showen en bereikbaar maken voor iedereen. Check de website als je op zoek bent naar wat anders!

Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 09.43.32

Een paar voorbeelden:

Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 10.06.56    Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 10.07.08

Double Take Le Baiser Decor continues the theme of altering perceptions in our latest series – Double Take. Fragonard’s Le Baiser engraving of a kissing couple has been altered so that the lovers are together when the box is together. Remove the lid, and the couple split, revealing a silhouette.

Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 10.13.04     Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 10.05.20

Kisses Felt Rug, a rug for a stylish home and office. Make a statement, with or without accent color! The x is available in ten colors and there a two shades of gray for an elegant round or rectangular base. To change the color of the x you’ll have a different look for your interior every season! You have a choice of many sizes, round and rectangular, which Kisses is suitable for every room!

Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 10.15.52     Schermafbeelding 2015-06-02 om 09.59.40

Have you ever seen colored shadows? The CMYK Colour Light Bulb is the first light bulb that gives colored shadows. In addition, it has a white light source that shines downwards. The CMYK bulb is usable in any existing lampshade, but can also be hung separately in space.
The CMYK Bulb is also available with a special diamond lampshade.

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